Urban Thai Bistro in Yaletown

Urban Thai (1119 Hamilton Street, Vancouver, Phone 604-408-7788) is a bustling, spacious, and cozily decorated Thai restaurant in the heart of Vancouver’s Yaletown shopping and restaurant district. Yaletown is known for its upscale restaurants, where it is not uncommon to walk into a restaurant and find the average entree price is $30. Urban Thai bucks the norm and aims to please with a very reasonably priced lunch special that includes a salad, spring roll, and entree served with rice. My total bill including tax and tip came to $9.00. There is quite a number of lunch selections to choose from; I enjoyed the chicken with bamboo shoots which was fairly spicy!!

Thai salad with a creamy dressing and a Thai salad roll.

Vancouver Thai food: Chicken with Bamboo Shoots

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