Restaurant Guides in Vancouver

Vancouver not only has some of the best restaurants in North America, but it is also home to a burgeoning online technology community.

The website provides a one-of-a-kind Video Blog (vlog) about Vancouver restaurants, local Vancouver arts and culture, and Geoff’s thoughts on New Media and Technology.

The online photo site Flickr started in Vancouver, before it was acquired by Yahoo and moved offices to San Francisco. The popular online dating site Plentyoffish is run by a Vancouverite, and Vancouver is home to offices of SAP Business Objects, Sophos, and Microsoft. The local universities and schools such as SFU, UBC, BCIT, and UVic produce a good number of talented graduates in Computing Science and related fields.

Then it isn’t surprising that there are a lot of talented programmers who have fallen in love with the restaurants and food that Vancouver has to offer. The result? A number of local restaurant review and dining guide websites have appeared, all with their own unique perspectives on what makes a good online restaurant guide. The benefit? Vancouverites can always take an online journey to find a new restaurant to try.

Here is listing of some locally run restaurant guides, as well as links to some of the International sites featuring Vancouver sections:

Dining Guides:

Do you have a restaurant guide website in Vancouver? Please email me and I’ll add your link to this page.

