Chinatown - Vancouver Restaurants


T&T Market in Vancouver

T and T Market (web site, map, 179 Keefer Place, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, phone: 604-899-8836, Store hours: 8:30 am – 9:30 pm) is a large Chinese/Asian grocery store with several locations in the Vancouver area (view a list of all locations). The Keefer Place location is very close to the Stadium Skytrain station, GM Place Stadium, and BC Place Stadium.

The supermarket is well known for their exotic seafood and vegetable selections. Frommers writes that Tnt Market is “where strange and ungainly comestibles lurk: fire-dragon fruit, lily root, and enoki mushrooms”. But never fear, there are plenty of palatable items lurking here, which even those with Westernized tastes can enjoy.

I especially like the steamed dim-sum and buns, such as the BBQ Pork Bun (Cha Siu Bow), as well as the egg custard tarts. I also really like their Chinese BBQ Chicken which comes pre-cooked and sliced into bite sized pieces – a tray of chicken costs around $6 and makes a great takeout item to serve at home with some steamed rice and veggies.

T&T Supermarket also sells pre-prepared sushi trays such as the one pictured below (around $5.00). The sushi is tasty, and while a dedicated sushi restaurant might do better, T&T’s sushi is quite good value for the money. (The supermarket has some eat-in tables for hungry shoppers who can’t wait till getting home to start munching away.) After around 6:30pm the sushi items start being discounted by a few dollars every hour until they’re all gone.

I also tried their Vietnamese Salad Rolls served with peanut sauce (also pictured below, around $5.00) which I thought were a little bland. The Vietnamese restaurant in the food fair at Tinseltown Mall (just across the street) serves much tastier and fresher salad rolls, at about the same price.

Take out sushi tray from T&T Market in Vancouver, $5.00 (California roll, Salmon Nigiri Sushi, and Unagi sushi)

Take out sushi tray from T&T Market in Vancouver, $5.00 (California roll, Salmon Nigiri Sushi, and Unagi sushi)

Vietnamese Salad Rolls ($5.00) from Tnt Super market in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Vietnamese Salad Rolls ($5.00) from Tnt Super market in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

34,916 views - Posted Friday, October 17th, 2008


Radha Yoga & Eatery (Chinatown)

Radha Yoga and Eatery (web site, 728 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, phone: 604-605-0011) is a yoga studio in Chinatown that offers high-quality, 100% vegan dining, from Thursday to Saturday.

Trentm writes on (read review):

Radha has a great atmosphere, with hardwood floors and exposed brick in a big, open space. The live folk music really added to the relaxing, calm feel of the place. It’s also such a treat to go out for dinner on a friday night and not have to fight the crowds or feel rushed. The food was tasty and presented well…

Pictured below is the Nori Roll (Japanese Seaweed) appetizer, $7.00, which their menu describes as “raw sunflower-hempseed paté, julienne vegetables, sprouts and avocado in toasted nori with homemade pickled ginger and orange dragon dip”. The orange dragon dip is a light soya sauce with a touch of orange juice. Also pictured below is one of their featured main courses for the summer, the Southern Style Tempeh ($13.00). Maple-barbecue glazed tempeh – like tofu but coarser – was served with cornbread, warm summer greens, and seasonal vegetables. It was delicious. My only wish was that there was more glaze / barbecue sauce to soak into the cornbread!

The Chinatown area of Vancouver (where Radha is located) is one of the more graphic neighborhoods, but is quite safe to visit.

Maple Barbecue Glazed Tempeh ($13) from Radha restaurant in Vancouver.

(above) Maple Barbecue Glazed Tempeh ($13) from Radha restaurant in Vancouver.

Raw Nori rolls at Radha restaurant ($7.00)

Raw Nori rolls at Radha restaurant ($7.00)

11,657 views - Posted Thursday, June 12th, 2008


Wild Ginger Restaurant (Tinseltown) – Part 2

Wild Ginger (web page, map, reviews, 2015 – 88 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, phone: 604-893-8608) is a Korean – Chinese fusion restaurant in the International Village Mall, hidden away behind the Tinseltown Mall food court. To find this restaurant, go up to the food court level in Tinseltown / International Village mall and look across from the center escalators for the entrance to the restaurant in the middle of the food court. (The food court is one level below the popular Cinemark Tinseltown movie theatres.)

Wild Ginger has quite an extensive menu, with a range of Korean dishes (including Korean BBQ), Chinese food, and even some western-fusion dishes. The Beef Tenderloin (around $18, pictured below), was quite a treat – tender slices of beef were served atop potatoes and stir fried vegetables, with accompanying Chinese egg fried rice that was arranged quite artfully in the shape of a fish. The restaurant is quite large and could easily accommodate a large group (but please call ahead to make reservations so that they can be ready for you!). There is free parking in the mall (upon validation by the restaurant), and the restaurant is very close to the Stadium Skytrain station (Vancouver’s subway).

One thing to note is that this restaurant doesn’t have very many choices for vegetarians. My friend wasn’t too impressed by his “vegetarian delight” ($11) which was more of a side dish. But for those who enjoy eating meat or seafood, Wild Ginger has plenty of enticing dinner selections. Check out their web site for the current menu. For another photo and more info please view Part 1.

Beef Tenderloin at Wild Ginger (with egg fried rice, potatoes, and stir fried vegetables, around $18)

Beef Tenderloin at Wild Ginger (with egg fried rice, potatoes, and stir fried vegetables, around $18)

12,504 views - Posted Monday, June 9th, 2008